Friday, October 30, 2009

Here we go again....

It's obvious that busy season is here! Aaack - I'm behind on the blog again!! Here are pictures from a week's worth of sessions - whew! I had so much fun with all of these beautiful clients. Gorgeous children - dressed to the nines for holiday cards! Beautiful families - blue eyed babies. And then my favorite engaged couple! :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sweet Baby L

Fall is always a fun, busy time......lots of Christmas pictures and holiday sweaters!! I enjoy seeing everyone in their holiday-finest......but it was so wonderful to take a little "break" and spend some time with this sweet newborn. Baby L is 4-weeks old. We tried to get some sleepy-baby pictures.....but she just wouldn't drift off for us!! I just love the onee we have with her eyes open she seems to be a pretty smart cookie already.....knowing what would be best!!

Little Punkin...

Happy Fall!!! The rain cut this session a little short last week.....but I had a great time with this little Pumpkin!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby M

Sweet Baby M arrived a few months ago.....and is the nephew of a dear college friend. His mom and I shared lots of fun times too - and it was so nice catching up with her. We snapped these shots quickly - as we were bumping up against little M's nap. He was a trooper - and of course those blue eyes got me again! :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Opening Weekend

So this was "opening weekend" of busy season for me. Multiple shoots for the next several weekends!! I'm officially booked for 2009, but will send emails with any cancellations. These cuties sure set the bar high for the holiday season!!!!!